Date: July 9, 2024


This revolting Calgary Herald op-ed is also in today’s Edmonton Journal, page 6, tiled, “Animal welfare a priority for all at the Stampede.”

I urge you to respond to whichever is closer to you, with a letter suggesting, in your own words, that it is time we stop harming animals for our entertainment.

From the papers re Letters to the Editor:

•           Letters should be under 200 words and the shorter they are, the better the chance of publication.

•           Letters may be edited for length and clarity.

•           Please include a phone number and address to help verify identity. These will not be published, only the name of your community.

•           To avoid confusion with those having similar names, please provide your first and last name or two initials and a last name. We do not publish anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms.

•           We do not usually print poetry, cartoons, or songs in this forum.

•           Please send the letter in the body of an email, not as an attachment.

•           Remember that not every letter can be published.

•           Letters should be sent uniquely to us.

•           To give as many people as possible a chance at publication, we try to limit letter writers to one published letter a month.

•           Send letters to


Yours and all animals’,
Karen Dawn of DawnWatch

An animal advocacy media watch that looks at animal issues in the media and facilitates one-click responses to the relevant media outlets.

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