Sent: July 11, 2024

Angelenos: Today’s Los Angeles Times has a particularly animal friendly article , page B1, by Sandra McDonald, titled, ” Paving the way for wildlife?” The subheading is, “A female bear’s wanderlust could help researchers determine where future animal crossings should be situated in the Southland.” It follows the travels of a bear known as Yellow 2291. The final quote from Beth Pratt of the National Wildlife Foundation indicates the welcome tone: “For Yellow 2291, crossing the 5 Freeway to summer in Malibu might be a conscious choice. ‘Animals are individuals,’ Pratt said, ‘And, indeed, if she’s picked this as her home — which, rightly so, I mean, bears were on the landscape before we were — it’s not that she...

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Sent: July 9, 2024

Canadians: This revolting Calgary Herald op-ed is also in today’s Edmonton Journal, page 6, tiled, “Animal welfare a priority for all at the Stampede.” I urge you to respond to whichever is closer to you, with a letter suggesting, in your own words, that it is time we stop harming animals for our entertainment. From the papers re Letters to the Editor: •           Letters should be under 200 words and the shorter they are, the better the chance of publication. •           Letters may be edited for length and clarity. •           Please include a phone number and address to help verify identity. These will not be published, only the name of your community. •           To avoid confusion with those having similar names, please provide your...

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Sent: July 8, 2024

With the July 4th holiday last Thursday, fireworks have been in the news, with a stunning New York Times column from Margaret Renkl on the harm they do pets and wildlife, and with a lead Los Angeles Times article today pointing to the air pollution they cause. And as the United States presidential election approaches, it was good to see the Biden administration’s record on animals confronted in a Wall Street Journal op-ed. I discussed both of those issues on the Mark Thompson show last week, focusing on the Biden administration’s backing of the pork industry’s attempt to overturn California’s ban on pork from crated pigs. I hope you will check it out. Margaret Renkl’s beautiful column, headlined “Enough With...

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Sent: June 30, 2024

Between the New York Times Science section focus on pets today, a UK Telegraph article condemning pug promotion, and the extraordinary Time Magazine article, “The Case Against Pets,” DawnWatch is focusing on pets more than usual today. Plus, we have a Scientific American article on natural human diets, a review of “Meet the Neighbors,” a widely distributed piece on the wonder of bees, and another Los-Angeles Times front-page story on the spread of bird flu. Before I explore those, let me thank all of you who wrote to the New York Daily News about candidate’s differing stances on rat extermination. The paper published two letters on the issue, first Julia Serrago’s 2-liner (I always advise that the shorter your letter,...

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